Roll your own local DIY Robocars group

Want to set up a DIY Robocars race/hack event in your own town, like the folks in DC, Austin, NYC and elsewhere have? Go for it — it’s easy!

All you need is a room that’s big enough (the standard track is about 30m x 20m, although you can use any size you want that will fit in your room) and some tape (or paint if you want to make it permanent).

For the track:

  • If you’re using tape, gaffers tape is best
  • If you’re using paint, “satin”-texture latex floor paint is best. Apply with a 3″ roller.

The dimensions of the standard track are here, but again feel free to modify as you’d like.

Once you have a room secured, do the following:

  1. Use Meetup to organize the event.
  2. Free free to use the DIY Robocars branding on your own Meetup page. The graphics are here. Just use what you want and please link back to the mothership on your own site
  3. Want to add more challenge, with obstacles and/or other cars? Here are some tips. Of go all the way to the Official Rules!
  4. Want to use a RGB track? Here are instructions on how to make that.
  5. Comment here and we’ll add you to the master list of local meetup groups around the world.

A few tips:

  • Train in the morning, break for pizza lunch, race at 1:00
  • Saturdays are best
  • If you have or can borrow a PA system, that will help with the race announcing
  • Try to keep it fun, low pressure and welcoming to people of all skills.  Today’s casual spectator can be tomorrow’s competitor if you spark their imagination!