As you know, the DIY Robocars races are partly about beating other cars, but they’re also about beating puny humans. And we’re getting pretty close!

But see that yellow line at the bottom representing the “fastest human time”? That time was set almost a year ago by a human who…let’s put this gently…may not have been the fastest RC driver on the planet. Or possibly even in the room.
So now it’s time to give the humans a chance to defend themselves better before those red and blue lines cross the yellow and our species is rendered unnecessary.
Enter Ross Robinson (above)! By day he’s a robot wrangler at 3DR (as am I), but unlike the rest of us geeks, he’s pretty good at driving a car. And he not only has a fast one, but it’s set up with a camera for First Person View driving, so his view of the track will be exactly the same as the autonomous cars!
So, starting with the Sept 21st event, the last race of the day will be the fastest robot car vs the fastest human present. The first one will be Ross.
No pressure, Ross, but the fate of humanity lies in your hands