
This is the blog side of the Donkeycar community, which is part of the larger DIY Robocars movement. Donkeycar was started in 2016 and has since grown to include thousands of users and contributors from around the world.

Founders, early contributors and maintainers include:

  • Will Roscoe
  • Adam Conway
  • Dirk Prange
  • Ed Murphy
  • Chris Anderson
  • Tom Coyle
  • and many scores of others…!

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Your team must be an Amazing technical group which can provide us the leading robot control experience with cheap material & simple guidance.

  2. DIY Robocar was mentioned in relation to an autonomous vehicle event in China last year participated in by Pix Moving. Your members may find interesting an indie documentary about this show done by a long term American resident of Guiyang, China—an English teacher from Michigan.  Its bilingual Chinese-English format can help students appreciate the technology.

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    Robo Cars of China

    Posted on February 27, 2019 by admin
    Message from the Publisher of this video and web site (John S. Porter, AKA “Jack”, ) :

    This Robo Cars of China video is posted for your review. Please contact me at USAInfo@yahoo.com with your comments. This video ties together many years of my activity here in China. I have multiple objectives in the creation of this video:

    Inspire young people to get involved in technology.
    Teach “Technology English” in a relevant format.
    Allow English learners to listen and “catch” informal English conversation.
    Introduce Guiyang/Guizhou as a legitimate technology center in China. It is also known as China’s “Big Data Valley”
    Introduce the “Pixmoving” company as a small research company with big ideas for Autonomous Vehicles (AV).
    Demonstrate how innovative competition can take place between people of countries from all over the world, making the world a better place through technology. Vigorous competition and friendships between countries is good.

    Video Player
    1. “RoboCars_1_Introduction to the Video (and beautiful handwriting)”
    2. “RoboCars_2_About Big Data, Donkey Cars, Hackathon and tech words . . .”
    3. “RoboCars_3_Introducing Pixmoving and Hackers Community”
    4. “RoboCars_4_Guiyang Advantage,”Madhouse” and Big Data Expo.”
    5. “RoboCars_5_Meet Nancy Lee, Pixmoving Marketing Manager.”
    6. “RoboCars_6_Nancy and Intro the Donkey Car Competition”
    7. “RoboCars_7_Donkey Car Race Explained. How they work.”
    8. “RoboCars_8_ Introducing the Clark Team from America.”
    9. “RoboCars_9_Competition Finale, About Udacity & Networking”
    This entry was posted in Economic Development, Education and tagged Autonomous Vehicles, AV, Guiyang, Guizhou, Robocars, Robots .

    The video “Robo Cars of China” is an attempt to merge many of my ideas about China and the West into a coherent concept of cooperation, friendly competition, and inspiring young people to engage the new technologies. I want the young people to prepare themselves in an enthusiastic and collaborative way. A key element to this cooperation is “Technology English”. As engineers work together, they soon discover that their English teachers didn’t prepare them for collaborations on technical issues using English. English teachers are typically not engineers. For almost a year I have worked on this video about Guiyang and its robotic car basic research.

    The video is staged in Guiyang, promoting Guiyang to the tech community, but also it teaches “Technology” English. It blends technology English with an interesting cooperation and competition, all taking place in Guiyang. It is an English teaching document, a technical document, and an effort to inspire the young. It is also a promotion of Guiyang, China, and the cooperation that is growing between and among different countries.

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