11 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Hi Chris,

    Juan from Singapore here. I’d just like to share with you Linorobot http://linorobot.org , an open source robotic project that runs ROS (Robot Operating System). I’ve thought this might interest you and the community especially those who want to use ROS as their robot framework. I started building it almost a year ago hoping to provide students, beginners, and developers a home-brew and low cost ROS compatible robot platform.

    The first prototype was a 2 wheel drive robot that can navigate autonomously packed in a small form factor that comes with a Neato Vacuum Lidar, Linux mini computer and a micro-controller. It was built using easily accessible hardware so anyone can build it from home. There are three new supported platforms (4WD, Ackermann Steering, and Mecanum Drive) fully documented on my site.

    Here are some videos of the robots in action:

    Featured at Hackaday:



    Shopping with the robot

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,

  2. Hello! Hope you are doing well , I discovered some major issues in your website which might be the cause for the google penalties and poor search rankings of your website. Your website has different adverse technical error such as dead links,HTML errors, lost image, alt tags etc. You can verify this by searching your website URL on validator.w3.org, brokenlinkcheck.com ,feedthebot.com/tools/alt/. I found that there are various ‘bad’links pointing to your website.You can confirm this by searching your website on the key search engines search boxes-Google, Yahoo & Bing simply search by entering your website URL .The number of quality and/or commanding Back links related to your website is very low.You can confirm this by simply visiting ahrefs.com. Dupilcity in the content has been found which can be negatively affecting your website search ranking. You can simply verify this at copyscape.com. We can help your fix these problems and get your website ranking on the top page of Google ,Yahoo & Bing. We can help you develop the visibility of your website in all major search engines to increase website traffic, and popularity in the target area. If you are interested in receiving affordable search engine optimization (SEO/SMO/SEM) done for your website,just email us back and get a full affordable SEO proposal. Best Regards , Sincerely- Maria Smith

  3. Hello! Hope you are doing well , I discovered some major issues in your website which might be the cause for the google penalities and poor search rankings of your website. Your website has different adverse technical error such as dead links ,HTMLerrors,lost image alt tags etc. You can verify this by searching your website URL on validator .w3org brokenlinkcheck.com ,feedthebot.com/tools/alt/ . I found that there are various ‘bad’links pointing to your website.You can confirm this by searching your website on the key search engines search boxes-Google,yahoo&Bing simply search by entering your website:URL *The number of quality and/or commanding Back links related to your website is very low.you can confirmthis by simply visiting ahrefs.com. Dupilicity in the content has been found which can be negatively affecting your website search ranking. you can simply verify this at copyscape.com.We can help your fix these problems and get your website ranking on the top page of Google ,Yahoo &Bing! We can help you develop the visibility of your website in all major search engines to increase website traffic, and popularity in the target area.If you are interested in receiving affordable search engine optimization (SEO/SMO/SEM) done for your website just email us back and get a full affordable SEO proposal Best Regards.Sincerely- Maria Smith

  4. Hello! Hope you are doing well , I discovered some major issues in your website which might be the cause for the google penalties and poor search rankings of your website. Your website has different adverse technical error such as dead links,HTML errors, lost image, alt tags etc. You can verify this by searching your website URL on validator.w3.org, brokenlinkcheck.com ,feedthebot.com/tools/alt/. I found that there are various ‘bad’links pointing to your website.You can confirm this by searching your website on the key search engines search boxes-Google, Yahoo & Bing simply search by entering your website URL .The number of quality and/or commanding Back links related to your website is very low.You can confirm this by simply visiting ahrefs.com. Dupilcity in the content has been found which can be negatively affecting your website search ranking. You can simply verify this at copyscape.com. We can help your fix these problems and get your website ranking on the top page of Google ,Yahoo & Bing. We can help you develop the visibility of your website in all major search engines to increase website traffic, and popularity in the target area. If you are interested in receiving affordable search engine optimization (SEO/SMO/SEM) done for your website,just email us back and get a full affordable SEO proposal. Best Regards , Sincerely-Kelly Willsion, i.d : kellywillsion968@gmail.com

  5. Hello Chris and everybody,

    I tried to post this message as a comment in this page:
    But I keep getting the message “Blocked as suspected bot.”

    This is just to let you know that we are organizing the first DIY Robocars Montevideo on July 12, 2018:

    Organizers: ThalesLab http://www.thaleslab.com/ and Centro Ceibal https://www.ceibal.edu.uy/

    Is it the first one in LatAm?

    “Big thanks to DIYRobocars(Chris) for the inspiration, and DonkeyCar (Will and Adam) for the de facto & enabling ‘hello world’ of mini-autonomous vehicles!”

    We will be posting photos and comments after this first meeting!


  6. hi chris,
    I´m very new with the huskylens and arduino.
    a saw that you can control your linebot throttle by rc.
    i´d like to build an objekt tracking car with the option to control full by rc.(huskylens or rc by pushing button ch3)
    would you help me the code to the arduino?
    Best Regards , Sincerely- Christoph

  7. Hello, where can I order the product (Car with its sensors & development-kit)?

  8. Hey –
    I have been trying to get on Discord, but for some reason I stopped seeing or being able to post around August 5th.

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